It's Summer in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Once the trees regained their leaves and the temperatures
began to soar, Sofia blossomed into summer.
Suddenly there was an ice cream stand on nearly every corner with frozen
treats piled high, covered with candy and cookies of numerous kinds.
The former small eating shops that lined the
streets burst out of their doors forming sidewalk cafes a buzz with
activity. Beautiful cut flowers
blossomed along the sidewalks in vender stalls to gladden the eye and brighten
the spirits. The city is a hive of
activity as people walk the streets, enjoy the parks and mingle with
friends. The atmosphere is so unlike the
solitude and seclusion of the colder seasons.
We love to people watch in the park as families play with their children
and friends stroll the paths. And, yes,
we sometimes are drawn in by those sweet frozen treats in the ice cream
stands! Gotta love summer!
Also appearing in the fruit stands are pickling
cucumbers. Although the store shelves
are lined with jars of delicious looking pickles of every size and shape, we
have been unable to find any that taste familiar. On Saturday we gathered the necessary
paraphernalia and made an attempt at bread and butter pickles.
After four hours we had four ½ liter jars of
marvelous looking pickles. We sampled a
few as we filled the jars, but warm pickles are just not the same. Then came the test of patience as we placed
one jar in the fridge to chill. On
Sunday we discovered that pickles taste better for lunch than before breakfast. Our curiosity got the better of us when we
woke up in the morning and we sampled a few.
They were good but not exactly what we had thought when we sampled the
warm ones the day before. However, when
we returned from church and once again tested our green concoction we were
thrilled with the fruits (or pickles) of our labors. I doubt that we will make this an annual
tradition once we return to the States and can purchase a jar whenever we want,
but for now it is a delight.
Have a great Summer
Love Elder and Sister Segeberg
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