Mormon Mission World

Monday, June 25, 2012

Back in Bulgaria, at Last

We were very excited when we were informed that our Bulgarian visas were ready.  Next came the problem of booking a flight, or two, back to Sofia.  Since we had to be in Warsaw at the Bulgarian Consulate before noon it was a little complicated.

On Friday we set off on our journey.  Nineteen hours, seven pieces of luggage, six currencies, five countries, four airplanes, and two shiny new visas later we arrived back at our apartment in Sofia. We left the apartment in Riga at 4:15 am and arrived at home in Sofia at 11:40 pm.  It was a long day!  But we are glad to be back.

Before we left Latvia we were able to see some of the preparations for the Summer Solstice – Ligo Festival.  This is the biggest celebration of the year, by far!   There is traditional dress wearing, folk singing, polka dancing and wreath making for the young and old--flowers for the ladies and oak leaves for the guys.  Sweet wildflower aroma fills the air.  There is homemade caraway cheese eating, bonfire jumping (to ensured prosperity and fertility), and praying for those crops to grow! It is all very joyful.  Only the wimpy retire to their beds before seeing the sunrise just a short time after it sets.


We took a few pictures of late night in Riga, Latvia just a day before the summer solstice and then another couple of pictures in Sofia, Bulgaria just a day after the solstice.  I’ll bet you will be able to tell the difference.

Riga at 10:15 PM
Riga at 10:15 PM

Sofia at 10:15 PM

Sofia at 10:15 PM

 No matter how you celebrate the beginning of summer remember to give thanks for all of God’s creations and the blessings we enjoy!

New Mission President coming in this week. Going to be a busy week, more to follow next week.

Love Elder and Sister Segeberg

1 comment:

  1. What fun for you! I wish I could join in the celebrations. Just not the lack of sleep.
